A Fitness Driven Golf Enhancement Experience

Shoot For Par

207 W. Nodaway St. Oregon, MO
(660) 446.2543

Shoot For Par is NW Missouri’s all-around option for:
Golf Simulation
Golf Instruction
Golf Fitness Plans
Club Regripping
Club Building
Club Repair

Countdown to Shoot For Par VIP Access

Shoot For Par Platinum


The Shoot For Par Maximum Access
$ 1229 Yearly
  • VIP Video Lesson Access
  • Merch: Bag Tag-Polo-Club Brush-Lanyard-VIP Pass
  • 12 Rounds of Golf (18 Hole) Yearly
  • Yearly Club Re-Gripping (14 Clubs)
  • Seasonal Loft & Lie Checks/Adjustments
  • Full Bag Mapping (20 shots/club)
  • Autographed Par Your Golf SERIES Books
Best Value
Shoot For Par Gold


The Elite Option For Golfers
$ 1039 Yearly
  • VIP Video Lesson Access
  • Merch: Bag Tag-Polo-Club Brush-Lanyard-VIP Pass
  • 9 Rounds of Golf (18 Hole) Yearly
  • Yearly Iron Re-Gripping (7 Clubs)
  • Seasonal Loft & Lie Checks/Adjustments
  • Full Bag Mapping (20 shots/club)
  • Autographed Par Your Golf MIND & BODY Books
Shoot For Par Silver


The Standard of Every Golfer
$ 839 Yearly
  • VIP Video Lesson Access
  • Merch: Bag Tag-Polo-Club Brush-Lanyard-VIP Pass
  • 6 Rounds of Golf (18 Hole) Yearly
  • Yearly Iron Re-Gripping (7 Clubs)
  • Full Bag Mapping (20 shots/club)
  • Autographed Par Your Golf MIND Book
Shoot For Par Bronze


For The Weekend Golfer
$ 249 Yearly
  • VIP Video Lesson Access
  • Merch: Bag Tag-Polo-Club Brush-Lanyard-VIP Pass
  • 3 Rounds of Golf (18 Hole) Yearly


The Golfers Build & Buy Plan
$ 149 & Up Yearly
  • VIP Video Lesson Access
  • Merch: Lanyard, Bag Tag, & VIP Pass Included
  • $50/Round of Golf (18 Hole) Min:1 Max:12
  • $5.62+Grip Cost/Club For Regripping Min:1 Max:14
  • $25/Club For Mapping Min:1 Max:13
  • OPTIONAL $24.99 Par Your Golf MIND Book
  • OPTIONAL $24.99 Par Your Golf BODY Book
  • OPTIONAL $29.99 Par Your Golf GAME Book
  • OPTIONAL $24.99 Shoot For Par Club Brush
  • OPTIONAL $29.99 Shoot For Par Polo
custom plan

Your Performance Is Our Focus

Screening Shoot For Par

Step 1 at Shoot For Par

TPI’s Assessment Screen

If you don’t assess, it’s just a guess.

To achieve an efficient swing, a golfer must first be screened. A proper screen involves an assessment of swing mechanics, biomechanics, physical fitness, movement quality, current health, and injury history.

The TPI movement screen is a simple test to quickly evaluate a player’s physical capabilities. The results of that assessment are used to determine how technical elements of the player’s swing could be related to what their body can or cannot do. Once this screen is finished, the results are used to create a plan unique for that golfer. The plan may include fitness training, physical therapy and treatment, coaching of swing mechanics and biomechanics, nutrition, mental strategy or all of the above.

There are an infinite number of ways to swing a golf club. However, there is one most-efficient way for each player to swing a club and it is based on what they can physically do.

Shoot For Par

Step 2 At Shoot For Par


ROTEXMotion was invented in 2008. Since, Dr. Joe LaCaze has been granted three US Patents for both the method and device used for the ROTEXMotion system and is fully researched in both the medical and sports categories. The system is entirely produced in the United States – manufacturing, assembly and parts. ROTEXMotion products have now reached a worldwide status and are being used in over 20 countries on five continents. We take our Mission very seriously,
“Do the most good, for the greatest number of people, in the shortest time possible.

On average at Shoot For Par, there is an increased range of motion of 66°.

Shoot For Par

Step 3 At Shoot For Par

Bag Mapping

Next, we evaluate your accuracy and distance based on the knowledge that we have from your physical assessment and review the intricacies of the following:

Pre- & Post- Shot Routine
Shot Shape
Intended Swing Path
The Swing Itself

The ultimate goal is for the mind and body to synchronize to where the thought of shot shape and carry distance become the actual shot shape and carry distance.
It is possible and repeatable! 

Duncan Hills Shoot For Par

Step 4 At Shoot For Par

Course Management

Finally, we want to understand your thought processes as you manage the golf course utilizing one of over 500 courses with GS Pro. It isn’t enough to just play a round. The best part of playing well is knowing the dangers of a hole and where your miss tendencies are. The questions that need answers are:

-Do you play the hole back to front or front to back?
-Are you leaving yourself the same yardage to the green each hole?
-Are you aligning to your general shot shape?
-Are you aware of your pitch distances with clubs 7 Iron through Lob Wedge?
-How do you play the slopes and undulations of the course?
-Can you put the ball consistently where you intend it to come to rest?
-What is your Fairway in Regulation percentage?
-What is your Greens in Regulation percentage?
-What is your temperament when things do not go as planned? 

These questions will determine why you do not play the course as well as you should and provide you a means to realize what course designers are expecting the typical golfer to do. You can then plan each hole and each shot accordingly to maximize your game.

Ways To Improve the mind, body, & Game

Golf Advice Blog

Drive Makes us Unique

Shoot For Par

-Retired U.S. Marine after 23 years of service. (1998-2021)
-Played first round of golf in March 2010, at 30 years old.
-Decided in 2016 to start a golf business and teach golf.

Obtained the following credentials in sequential order:

-2020 Gary Balliet’s Golf Academy Certified Club Fitter, Club Builder, & Repair
-2020 NASM Golf Fitness Specialist
-2020 American Sports & Fitness Association Golf Fitness Instruction
-2021 NASM Certified Personal Trainer
-2021 NASM Certified Nutrition Coach
-2022 Superspeed Golf Level 3 Certified
-2022 Titleist Performance Institute Lvl 3 Fitness, Golf, Power, & Junior
-2022 Class “A” Professional Golf Teachers Association of America Master Teaching Professional
-2022 Authored “Par Your Golf MIND-Golf’s Mental Discipline, Toughness, and Fortitude”
-2022 Frankly Golf Certified Putting Instructor
-2023 ROTEXMotion Master Instructor
-2023 NASM Certified Sports Nutrition Coach
-2023 NASM Stretching and Flexibility Coach
-2023 NASM Group Personal Training Specialist
-2023 NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist
-2023 NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist
-2023 Authored “Par Your Golf BODY-Golf’s Physical Discipline, Toughness, and Fortitude”
-2023 Authored “Par Your Golf GAME-Golf’s Logical Shots, Setups, and Executions”
-2024 Mitchell Golf Performance Studio Master Class Certified
-Currently pursuing B.S. in Sports & Health Sciences through American Military University

Shoot For Par

Our Service Makes us Undeniable

Shoot For Par

Our doors are the turning point of your golf game. From the moment you enter, the responsibility of your success falls onto the shoulders of a passionate leader, mentor, trainer, coach, and instructor.
All that is required of you is an open mind; to think of what you are attempting to do differently. If you are doing it right all the time, there would be no reason to see a golf coach. To many golfers surprise, there is no need to swing to hit the golf ball. The golf ball is in the way of the golf swing.
So, in understanding that it is a “golf swing” and not a “ball hit”, the focus is now forward to a target. You do not watch a baseball the whole time that your arm is in motion when you throw. The focus is always to the destination. 

This is just one example of the change in thinking at Shoot For Par that will yield a great result, time and time again.

We Want You To Walk Away Inspired

“What you can expect from me is an overwhelming energy and commitment to your golf success that radiates. I do not take any business I receive lightly. It is my duty and obligation to ensure that you improve. You will leave with much more than you came with and if you apply what you are taught, you will improve overnight. I am committed to your golf and fitness success.

What I require from you is a commitment to improve. Not the half-hearted “go through the motions” tendencies that everyday life presents. A true desire and action-driven passion to improve. Good things take great effort. Be the person our military risks their lives for; make time to train your mind, your body, and hone your skills.

My mission is to provide you the tools for golf success. Your mission is to use them consistently and methodically until they are second nature. Accept your responsibility and become great at golf.”

David Frederick, MSGT, USMC (Ret)