Shoot For Par

Stick Mobility Shoot For Par

Stick Mobility Product Review Advice Blog #42

Stick Mobility

Stick Mobility has provided me some unexplored aspects of fitness training and through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, I was able to obtain the sticks and even more so, gain the level 1 and level 2 certifications that come with these products. The reasons for these sticks as listed on their website are as follows:

  1. Reduce Muscle & Joint Pain

  2. Improve Posture

  3. Increase Range of Motion & Flexibility

  4. Improve Balance & Coordination

  5. Reduce Stress

Now, I have used these sticks through 15 workouts so far, assisting in warmups, cooldowns, rotary movements, and for improved golf mechanics. The results as I would expect far surpassed my initial thoughts. “Would would have thought that some flexible sticks would provide pulls in muscle groups that I haven’t felt before?” The means by which the exercises are fluid to aggress, and regress are really what sets this functional movement routine apart from others. Please go to Stick Mobility to learn more. I highly recommend.


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