Kettlebells & Exercise
Kettlebells & Exercise in today’s global fitness world are like peanut butter and jelly. Due to the kettlebells wide range of exercise applications, they have become a mainstay in functional fitness. Interestingly enough, golfers have adapted some exercises using these single handled tools to exploit ground force reactions while activating the nervous system to maintain balance.
So how did the fitness “king of swing” come into the fitness age? Kettlebells were first introduced to the world by the eastern world, and over time migrated to the United States providing more versatility that the common dumbbell and gained traction in the 1960’s. The ability to transition between exercises without rest is what makes the kettlebell essential for set transitions for cardio and High Intensity Interval Training. Do not doubt the ability to increase size and strength, as kettlebells can weigh up to 96 kilograms or 211 pounds.
Cardiovascular health and endurance are enhanced when kettlebells are introduced into your fitness routine. Fit & Well mention here the benefits of kettlebells and their usage. One kettlebell, 20 minutes a day. You could find yourself on social media that much in a day. This could be the healthy replacement that you are looking for.
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